An Unspoken Competition | Behind the Lens
I chose to create a photo series built on the foundation of Sisterhood because it has always been a philosophy rooted deep in my heart. "Sisterhood" is more than a concept to me, it is a belief that shapes the woman I am today.
As a young girl I couldn't understand the spoken and sometimes subtle competitiveness that existed among women. I won't lie! There were times I gave into this petty mentality, but usually it just pestered me. Personally, I was so impressed by the thousands of women I met everyday. Whether I had met them for only a few seconds or I had known them for what seemed a lifetime, I always found something in each one of them to admire. I saw their strength, courage, love, and most of all their sacrifices. I wanted to be like them!
It's crazy how often I wanted to say "I love this about you" or "My sister, wow you are so inspiring!" But this delusion of female competitiveness had me feeling like complimenting other women would be to belittle myself somehow. I mean how stupid it that, right?! What is the point of being individuals, if we are expected to mold ourselves into this cookie cutter expectation?
“The Sisterhood Series was my challenge to women, urging them to put more intense and sincere love into their friendships.”
“This delusion of female competiveness had me feeling that complimenting other women would be to belittle myself somehow.”
We are all guilty of buying into this lie that we can't freely compliment our fellow sisters. At this point in my life and after the many crazy experiences I've witnessed and gone through...I want us to change the way we think. I want us to challenge our friendships with each other! Put them to the test and see how deep our connections really are! Please, ladies let's compliment and show each other intense and sincere love. I am not just talking about, "Hey girl, love those shoes!", but dig deep to.... "Hey Sister, you are so real and true! I thank you for our unshaken friendship. I admire your ability to tell me 'no' when I want to hear 'yes', because you love me enough to help me be better!"
“I want us to challenge our friendships with each other! Put them to the test and see how deep our connections really are!”
The Sisterhood Series was my challenge women, urging them to put more intense and sincere love into their friendships. To trust and depend on each other. To disregard what media says is acceptable and beautiful. To just bring back REAL love. I believe that when WE support each other there is nothing WE can't do! In fact, I believe Sisterhood is a bond that holds throughout eternity!