Farewell Newborns | Newborn Lifestyle Session
We couldn’t be more happy to wrap up our last newborn lifestyle session with the Banks family!! We been there since their first one to their latest baby boy. It’s was definitely a bitter sweet moment. I won't lie I might have shed a tear on my way out.
Yes you read that right and I am sure many of you might have on V's face right now. So let me explain how we came to this decision. As our company continues to expand and take on new endeavors we want to make sure we continue to provide all our clients with superb service and selections. In reality we know this means narrowing in our focus and work. As of September 1st we no longer will be offering any of our newborn sessions. We are definitely going to miss shooting those precious faces, and we hope to see them as they grow in your family portraits! I also feel confident with several of my fellow Bay Area friends and photographers who offer these sessions still. So do not fret, your still in the best area/cities to get amazing portraits of your new bundles.
We are sad to go personally, but despite this we are sooooooo excited for all the new things to come. Especially for all our clients! Kind Hearted Images is hard at work planning and organizing some really great new additions and projects. Next year are wedding packages will have some wonderful additional and even more reasonable packages for our local brides who are looking to capture small intimate weddings!
Also, we have some new publishing arriving and sessions for our growing Bay Area tech and business companies; even better we have mini-headshot session arriving in September to help support small business, start ups, and local business! There is sooooo much I can share, but we want to keep you on those toes! So keep up with our BLOG and INSTAGRAM as we reveal all our updates over the next few months!
Stay tuned and as always thank you for your support! As for now keep scrolling to see how we wrapped up our last Newborn Lifestyle Session with our day one family the BANKS! We tremendously love these two parents as we seen there love and family grow! They recently welcomed their beautiful baby boy 'August-Rayn'! I am extremely obsessed with that name; so unique and fresh for the baby scene.
Enjoy the images, and we say farewell to a long run of sweet faces that delicious baby smell.
“Thank you mommies & daddies for trusting us with your babies. It has been a beautiful opportunity to capture them in their first days. ”