Black Boy Joy | 2020 Senior Session
Well if you would’ve told me in January that we would be in our houses for pretty much the rest of the year, that school would be online for everybody around the entire country, graduations would be online, and virtual life would be the new normal life; I would’ve told you you were crazy! However, this has become a reality that the year of 2020 is not what anyone thought it would be; especially, our graduating students. Just when the word “corona virus” was starting to grace the tips of our tongues I was eager to start taking graduation photos. Here is where I met Anthony.
Anthony was amazingly positive, upbeat, and hopeful for the future. Though I am sure in the back of his mind he was worrying what the rest of his school year would be like, if he would see his friends again, would he even be able to walk again across the stage for graduation? Thus on the day of this photo’s this young man was full of contagious excitement. Most guys are not into taking pictures; let’s be honest! If there is usually one group of people I have to nudge a little more; it is the fellas. However, as we walked and stopped across the beach on what was a gorgeous day we discussed his plans for after graduation and the near future. His mom sat on the hill in the chilled air, collecting shells, and building small sand castles with his two sisters. Before the shoot she had gently let me know how she was hoping that he would smile for at least a few of the photos. Thankfully one thing I am honestly good at is getting genuine smiles.
I loved this session, there is so much joy in this black boys face. There’s so much hope in his smile and the future looks bright despite the clouds on the horizon. I’m grateful for what I get to do, no matter how the world changes and it may change the people in it. I get to stand on the side and capture these moments and make them lifelong memories for people in the smallest of ways. Covid has changed the way we are currently living and yet it has not changed the way we survive. Enjoy these images of a great day with a great guy.
“Covid has changed the way we are living and yet it has not changed the way we survive.”