Menlo Park Wedding | A Very BIG Deal
I have been wanting to blog about this spectacular wedding for a minute, but to be honest I have been feeling a bit intimated to really do it justice. This couple was the prime example of Kind Hearted! Their endless acts of sacrifice, gratitude, and all out love spread far past their relationship with one another, and could be seen through out the lives they touched. When I met the pair Inka and I were immediately smitten by them. They had such a natural love and friendliness about them, and when Kevin spoke it was no doubt he was meant to speak and touch people in a special way! Annie was a bottomless put of joy and smiles; she naturally made the room feel warm and welcoming. We both found ourselves wanting to spend time with them and around them, as they had qualities we don’t see much around people our age. In an era of social media and less social interactions it was a breath of fresh air to be around people; who well just simply enjoyed being in the presence of people! Their wedding was nothing less than an ode to their love and the love the hope to spread across this world. From the small details to the large family and friends in attendance this wedding was made for great things. Check out just a few of the highlights from their big day below, and a special feature below.
“Introducing Mr. & Mrs Deal”